Kymia Kazemi (1963)

As a child I was always drawing and 'making' creations. Whether it was artistic or practical it did not matter as long as I was creating. Hence my choice for attending the Design Academy in Eindhoven was a logical step. I graduated in 1986 as a graphic designer and started my own studio ( Ever since I have worked as a designer and enjoyed doing so. However I neglected my passion for drawing.
When opportunity arouse in 2010 to start drawing models my enthusiasm was again reawakened.

For quite a while I only made figure drawing (sketches, collages and paintings). Lately my inspiration comes from the 'nature' surrounding me.

Why the naked body?
Until my 17th year I lived mainly in Tehran (Iran) with an exception of 4 years in Nairobi (Kenya). I grew up with my father, brother and other male caretakers. Living in Iran and growing up in a male surrounding, there was little opportunity to look, experience and observe the ‘uncovered’ body. That of course changed when I came to Holland in 1980!
People here are proud to show their bodies. They feel good in their bodies. They feel free to be as they want to be.

I guess this is where my fascination for the human body comes from. I like to make studies and am looking for a way to make these my ‘originals’. In this process of making collages I am discovering abstractions that lead to new images.